HTTP headers | Transfer-Encoding
The HTTP Transfer-Encoding is a response-type header that performs as the hop-by-hop header, the hop-by-hop header connection is the single transport-level connection must not be re-transmitted. This header is performing between two nodes (single transport-level connection). If there is multi-node connection then have to use other Transfer-Encoding values. There is an end-to-end Content-Encoding header that can be use to compress the data over the whole connection....
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Hyperlink Vs Hypertext
Both the term are twins to each other and perform with each other basically complete each other. But few times we get confused about which one is the which one really. To clear that confusion, we will discuss the specificness of both in detail with the proper example and explain the differences as well. Both the terms are used in the WWW(World Wide Web)...
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Nashorn JavaScript Engine in Java with Examples
Nashorn: Nashorn is a JavaScript engine which is introduced in JDK 8. With the help of Nashorn, we can execute JavaScript code at Java Virtual Machine. Nashorn is introduced in JDK 8 to replace existing JavaScript engine i.e. Rhino. Nashorn is far better than Rhino in term of performance. The uses of invoking dynamic feature, conversion of JavaScript code into the bytecode directly into the memory etc makes the Nashorn more famous in JDK 8. We can execute JavaScript code by using the command-line tool and by embedding the JavaScript code into Java source code....
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HTTP headers | Last-Modified
The last modified response header is a header sent by the server specifying the date of the last modification of the requested source. This is the formal definition of Last-Modified of HTTP headers, let’s break it down....
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How to turn off PHP Notices ?
In PHP, Notices are the undefined variables indicated in the PHP project on a set of lines or particular lines. It usually does not affect or break the functionality of the code written. When PHP notices detect errors, it will display like this:...
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What is Twelve-Factor App?
The Twelve-factor app is a set of 12 principles or best practices for building web applications which now days are more commonly known as Software-As-A-Service (SAAS) applications. It was published by the co-founder of Heroku, Mr. Adam Wiggins in 2011. These principles are the result of all the experiences and observations that the people working at Heroku, which is a Platform-As-A-Service, have gained over a large variety of Software-As-A-Service applications ever deployed on it. These principles help us to create the applications that use...
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How to clone array in ES6 ?
The spread operator in ES6 is used to clone an array, whereas the slice() method in JavaScript is an older way that provides 0 as the first argument. These methods create a new, independent array and copy all the elements of oldArray to the new one i.e. both these methods do a shallow copy of the original array....
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How to vertically and horizontally align flexbox to center ?
As we already know, flexbox is a model and not just a CSS property.The below image shows a box with two axis, one is Main Axis (i.e. horizontal axis) and Cross Axis (i.e. vertical axis). And for aligning a flexbox in the centre, both horizontally and vertically, we are going to need to work on both of this axis....
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How to configure modal width in Bootstrap?
Bootstrap Modal: It is a dialog window that opens inside the browser window on triggering certain events. It is a really convenient way to improve the website’s content rendering as per the requirements. In this article, we will focus on adjusting the width/height of the modal box.Method 1: Using pre-defined Bootstrap classes Bootstrap has pre-defined classes for changing modal dimension attributes to be used with the div element containing .modal-dialog. These are listed below:...
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How to share data between controllers in AngularJS ?
The task is to share data variables between two or more controllers by using AngularJS. There are many procedures to achieve this. Here we will discuss the most popular ones....
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Introduction to ElectronJS
If you are interested in using Web Development skills for developing apps for different desktop platforms like Windows, Linux or macOS, Electron is the perfect framework that suits your needs. Let’s start with a brief introduction to Electron....
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How to create responsive image gallery using HTML, CSS, jQuery and Bootstrap?
With the advent of new frameworks in web technologies, it has become quite easy to design and implement feature-rich and responsive web pages. Here, we are going to design a responsive image gallery using HTML, CSS, jQuery, and Bootstrap....
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